Home Page > Our company > Engineering / Work planning


Each factory has its own specific engineering Department. Such as the 3 or 5 axis programming and the 3 dimensional construction.

We work with the newest software from MISSLER TOPSOLID and SIEMENS NX8
or also COPRA Finite Elemente

This allow us, using computer, to meet your requirements for the construction or change of the mechanical components. We can work with the most common format:

*.catpart ;*.catproduct(CATIA)
*.sldprt; *.sldasm (solidworks)     
*.top; *.cam; *.dft (topsolid)
*.dxf; *.dwg (autodesk)
*.x_t; *.stp; *.step;*.igs (neutre)


See our picture gallery

Our workshops

In Amnéville

Mechanical parts with large dimensions
Assemblies up to 40 Tonne per unit

Material for steel industry and continuous casting

> Look at our realized products

BP 40009 - Rue de la Cimenterie
Tel : +33 (0)3 87 67 44 45
Fax : +33 (0)3 87 58 23 59

In Vaucouleurs

Mechanical parts with high accuracy
Rolling mills - Pipe mill – Profiling

Equipment for pipe mill and profiling

> Look at our realized products

BP 37031 - Z.I. de Tusey
Tel : +33 (0)3 29 89 26 33
Fax : +33 (0)3 29 89 50 00

The ISO 9001 certification

Certified ISO 9001 : 2008
At 03-04-2015 and valid up to 03-04-2018
Download the certification 

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